Doctoral Researchers 

Doctoral Researchers

Doctoral Researchers 

To support the doctoral research community, the AREBT Research Centre will list on this webpage doctoral students (PhD, DPsych, DPhil & DProf) undertaking REB therapy, coaching, training, sport, and consultancy related research. The Centre is also interested in research in allied fields such as positive psychology in which the techniques and interventions could be integrated within rational emotive and cognitive behavioural practice.


  1. Name: Jo Hensel
  2. Name of Institution: Guildhall School of Music and Drama
  3. Type of degree being undertaken: PhD
  4. Title of research: Does a Rational Emotive Behavioural-Based Coaching Intervention impact the Psychological Wellbeing and Performance Confidence of Conservatoire Music Students? Examining the Outcomes and Mechanisms of Change
  5. Name of supervisor(s): Prof Stephen Palmer; Dr Karen Wise
  6. Start and predicted finish of degree (month/year): 09/18 – 08/25
  7. University departmental website URL:
  8. Contact email address:

  1. Name: Nanaki Jahnavi Chadha
  2. Name of Institution: Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, UK
  3. Type of degree being undertaken: PhD
  4. Title of research: The role of irrational beliefs in the temporal changes of cognitive appraisals and emotions within competitive sport performance
  5. Name of supervisor(s): Dr Martin Turner; Dr Matthew Slater
  6. Start and predicted finish of degree (month/year): February 2016 – October 2020
  7. University departmental website URL: N/A
  8. Contact email address:


  1. Name: Marcela Almeida Alves
  2. Name of Institution: ISPA -Instituto Universitário: APPsyCI – Applied Psychology Research Center Capabilities & Inclusion
  3. Type of degree: PhD Student
  4. Title of research: Promoting Psychological Flourishing in Workplaces
  5. Name of supervisor(s): Stephen Palmer & Maria João Gouveia
  6. Start and predicted finish of degree (month/year): October 2020
  7. University departmental website URL:
  8. Contact email address: |