Full Member (MAREBT Acad & FAREBT Acad) 
Suitably qualified doctoral level (eg PhD, DPsych, MD, DCounsPsych, DClinPsych) researchers and academics in the field can join AREBT as academic members. They are involved in undertaking teaching, research and/or supervising doctoral research at universities or similar establishments.
It is important to note that academic members are not necessarily practising therapists. Academic membership is not a therapist accreditation pathway.
Full academic members have access to a newsletters; email groups; and email contact providing information on subjects connected with REBT including a yearly Annual General Meeting and Annual Conference and CPD opportunities. Academic members may use the post-nominal letters MAREBT (Acad). Academic Fellows are by invitation of the AREBT Fellowship Board.
Depending upon their area of research, they may be invited to join the AREBT Research Centre Advisory Board.
Application is a two step process. Please submit your CV, including list of publications, research interests and qualifications. Your PhD/DPsych/DProf should be from an accredited university. The office will then email an application form.
Office: admin@arebt.one
Academic membership is free.