AREBT Research Centre Advisory Board 
Prof Windy Dryden is Emeritus Professor of Psychotherapeutic Studies at Goldsmiths University of London, and is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society. He has authored or edited more than 235 books, including the second editions of Counselling in a Nutshell (Sage, 2011) and Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Distinctive Features (Routledge, 2015). In addition, he edits 20 book series in the area of counselling, psychotherapy an coaching, including the Distinctive Features in CBT series (Routledge) and the Counselling in a Nutshell series (Sage). His major interests are in rational emotive behavior therapy and CBT; single session interventions; the interface between counselling and coaching; pluralism in counselling and psychotherapy; writing short, accessible self-help books for the general public and demonstrating therapy live in front of an audience.
Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD CPsychol MAREBT (Acad) is a Course Co-Director on the programmes at the Centre for Stress Management. She has supervised doctoral students applying the cognitive behavioural approach within their research at City, University of London. She is a Chartered Psychologist, and International Society for Coaching Psychology Accredited Coaching Psychologist and Supervisor. She is Emeritus Editor of the International Journal of Health Promotion & Education and Co-editor of the European Journal of Counselling, Theory, Research and Practice. She is Founder Chair of the International Society for Coaching Psychology.
Prof Stephen Palmer PhD CPsychol CSci FAREBT Accred is Professor of Practice at the Wales Academy for Professional Practice and Applied Research, University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) and Adjunct Professor of Coaching Psychology at Aalborg University, Denmark. He is the Founder Director of the Centre for Stress Management. He is a Chartered Psychologist, BABCP Accredited CBT, AREBT Accredited Therapist and Supervisor, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist, and International Society for Coaching Psychology Accredited Coaching Psychologist and Supervisor. He is Co-Chair and Fellow of AREBT and Founder Co-Chair of the BABCP London Branch. He is an Approved Albert Ellis Institute RE & CBT Supervisor. He has written and edited over 50 books and published over 250 articles/book chapters. He supervises PhD students at 3 universities.
Dr. Martin Turner PhD FAREBT (Acad) is Reader in Psychology and a Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) Registered Sport and Exercise Psychologist at Manchester Metropolitan University. He is an internationally recognized scholar whose main expertise is within the scientific understanding of stress and emotion, and the application of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) within achievement settings. Martin has published 50+ peer-reviewed papers, and 3 books. Martin won the 2018 Albert Ellis Award for Research and the AREBT Achievement Award in 2019. Martin is a Practitioner Psychologist working across a variety of sport and organizational settings.