Welcome to the Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (AREBT) International Conference, 2022.
Conference theme is: Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice.
Monday 28th November to Tuesday 29th November, 2022
Our 2-day virtual conference will be held on Monday 28th November to Tuesday 29th November. Conference keynotes and invited papers will be held on Day 1. On Day-2 there is a workshop.
We are delighted to welcome a line-up of international experts in the field of REBT who will be speaking at our Annual AREBT Conference. Each keynote speaker will give their keynote in the Zoom webinar platform. Depending upon availability, after giving their keynote, some speakers will transfer to our Zoom meeting breakout room so that they can answer any questions in further depth and generally discuss the topic. Also an opportunity to meet the speaker.
Booking: Visit Eventbrite to obtain your conference ticket. AREBT members can attend the conference and workshop for free. However, it is essential to book your place prior to the event. If you have any queries, please contact Claire who is the conference administration office: admin@arebt.one
To visit the conference website, click HERE. This year the social media hashtag is #AREBT2022
DAY 1, 28th November, 2022

Welcome to the conference and conference team
Time: 09.50 – 10.00 GMT
Prof Stephen Palmer and Edelweiss Collings (AREBT Co-Chairs)
Dr Siobhain O’Riordan, AREBT Research Centre Advisory Board and IT support
Claire Parkinson, Conference Administration

Keynote: The Rational Practitioner: New (and old) Frontiers in REBT
Time: 10.00 – 11.00 GMT (including 10 minutes Q&As)
Breakout room: 11.00 – 11.30 GMT
Keynote speaker: Dr Martin J, Turner (UK). Manchester Metropolitan University and the AREBT Research Centre Advisory Board

Keynote: REBT in cancer and psycho-oncology
Time 11.30 – 12.15 GMT (Including Q&A)
Keynote speaker: Dr Daniel David (Romania). Albert Ellis Institute New York City, USA and Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania.

Keynote: Research into ‘walk and talk’ coaching: Our first Steps towards Nature Based Rational Emotive – Cognitive Behavioural Coaching and Therapy
Time: 12.15 – 13.00
Keynote speakers: Prof Stephen Palmer (UK) & Dr Siobhain O’Riordan (UK), University of Wales Trinity Saint David and UK Centre for REBT
Lunch, Networking, meet the AREBT Board, speak to sponsors.
Time: 13.00 – 14.00 GMT

Keynote: Attitudes that Arouse Anger and How to Change Them
Time: 14.00 – 15.30 GMT (including 10 minutes Q&As)
Breakout room: 15:30 – 16:00 GMT
Keynote speaker: Dr Raymond DiGiuseppe (USA). St. John’s University and the Albert Ellis Institute, New York City, USA

Invited paper: Professional Standards Authority Registration for The CBT Register: Progress and Implications for AREBT and its accredited members
Time: 16.00 – 16.30 GMT (including 10 minutes Q&A)
Invited speaker: Denise Christy (UK). Accreditation Director/Practice Officer, Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (AREBT)
Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (AREBT) Annual General Meeting (AGM)
AGM Agenda.
Time: 16.45 – 17.30 GMT
Day 2, 29th November, 2022
Date: 29th November, 2022

Time: 10.00 to 13.00 GMT
Workshop Facilitator: Nick Edgerton MSc CPsychol MAREBT (Accred) HCPC Reg
Date: 29th November, 2022